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In Market & Social Research industry there is a need for a reliable and professional organisation with an all India network to provide cost effective information gathering and cost effective process checks. Many a times, client's expectations regarding high quality and integrity of data are not adequately addressed. In response to this, the Field & Tab Unit (FTU) of MMI Research Services Pvt Ltd strives to provide rigour in the data to clients. In Market & Social Research industry there is a need for a reliable and professional organisation with an all India network to provide cost effective information gathering and cost effective process checks.



Qualitative research has its importance in researching the feelings and level of motivation of respondents. It is an effective market research tool that allows gathering opinion and knowledge of respondents about a product or service with one to one interviews and in-depth interviews. The research is based on high quality in-depth interviews of respondents and focus groups helping to analyze the preferences and choices of respondents. Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations.



We have great experience in handling quantitative research projects and deliver accurate results. Our experience counts customer satisfaction studies and financial studies. Our market researchers know the best methodologies for data collection for accurate response. The Quantitative Research deals with the hard facts and statistical data rather than the opinions, feelings, and attitudes of the individuals. Here, the data are quantified to draw inferences about the customer’s behavior, attitude and preferences in numerical terms that can be easily interpreted and compared with other data facts.



We believe in gathering accurate information from respondents that increase the value of your business.We adopt effective methodologies for data collection such as CAPI, CATI and PAPI. CATI – COMPUTER ASSISTED TELEPHONE INTERVIEW use specialized software to conduct telephone interviews. In a specialized call center trained interviewers carry out telephone interviews. For this purpose, the center has a database from which it generates a list of respondents to be interviewed through a process of number randomisation.



Observing the changing beliefs and development of the society, there is a great need of high quality social research methods. Our expert researchers have immense experiences to research the basic root problems of the society and the approach towards it. We contribute to the society with our effective research methods and accurate analysis. A concept is a meaningful summary of certain aspects of the world. explanatory context. A concept is a theoretical idea, which in social science is usually linked in some way to empirical 'reality'.



We definitely understand the disruptions recurring in the pharmaceuticals industry. Therefore, we focus on our high standard research services to creative conducive environments for discoveries and innovation promoting incremental results and efficiencies in the value chain. Research is essential in all industries. And, when it comes to the Biopharmaceutical research industry, Pharma Research services not only generates income for the companies involved in the research but it often brings results in lives being saved, or at least enhancement in patient's lives.